Ten tips for better lighting
Lighting a scene is a key component of story-telling, if you are new to 3D then these tips will teach you some core lighting concepts and techniques to improve your renders.
Lighting a scene is a key component of story-telling, if you are new to 3D then these tips will teach you some core lighting concepts and techniques to improve your renders.
In this free tutorial you can follow along with Tim Clapham and build this flexible C4D camera rig, then explore four types of shot and how to tackle them. We also included the rig as a free download.
The lovely Bryan Lim from Sage Animation recently contacted helloluxx to share a 2D animation resource page he has been collating. Bryan has been creating 2D animation for years and has very kindly created a space to share what he believes to be, some of the most useful 2D animation tools.
Thank you for all the wonderful responses to my Siggraph presentation this year, much appreciated! As a bonus, I’ve decided to offer the original C4D scene files for download. This does not include everything from my presentation as some of the files are part of commercial projects and I can’t distribute those. Hopefully there’s something […]
Learn how Cinema 4D’s complete toolset comes together to create stunning Motion Graphics in these two Siggraph 2015 presentations from Tim Clapham of helloluxx. Tim explores many useful techniques for creating motion graphics with Cinema 4D.
Shown below is a tutorial that takes you step-by-step through Josh’s process in creating the awesome RealFlow fluid simulation which won him the RealFlow / Cinema 4D Fluid Dimension Challenge in December 2014.
The good people from RealFlow have been in touch with us from chilly Madrid. They bore wonderful news, a thorough and accessible introduction to RealFlow is now available!
This post is all about the process beyond the public window, the stuff we do. There’s a mix of motion graphics and visual effects, branding, commercials and feature film work, some from individuals up to huge facilities.
Matthias Zabiegly, lead 3D artist at Aixsponza, has recently updated his Shots of Xpresso webpage. This page is a great resource for all you Cinema 4D Xpresso junkies