learn. C4D Mograph Techniques 02 is the second in a series of tutorials to help you master the Cinema 4D toolset. Work fast & efficiently with these production ready methods to improve your skillset in Cinema 4D.
Taught by expert C4D user, Tim Clapham, with over 20 years of experience, these are some of Tim’s go-to techniques, guaranteed to provide you with essential skills for your motion graphics projects.
These tutorials focus on typographic effects, but all setups can easily be applied to other 3D objects or adapted for alternative uses.
Training Summary
Master the C4D Mograph toolset
4 projects, 7 chapters, 82 minutes
Plus 5 Redshift tutorials, 55 minutes
Includes free HDRI files
Scenes, models & textures included
All finished setups
Recorded with C4D R23 & Redshift 3
Minimum requirements C4D R20 & Redshift 2.5 (no maxon noise)
Basic knowledge of Cinema 4D & Redshift is required.

Each set of training comes with a companion chapter for rendering with Redshift. These additional chapters run through the setup of lighting and materials for all four projects. Each chapter covers a different material setup, so new users can learn the various nodes as they progress through the course.
↓Building the Slice Setup
Create a simple, flexible and mesmerising type effect with the powerful Voronoi Fracture object.
We use the Matrix Object for accurate control of the fracturing and then add Effectors and Fields to animate the pieces.
Redshift Setup
This effect is very simple and fast to achieve with Redshift, we create a basic reflective material and then light the scene with one of the supplied HDR images.

↓Building a Custom Grid Array
In this tutorial you build a custom grid array using a Cloner object combined with Xpresso. The grid is built from multiple geometric shapes which when combined in a specific way, spell the word ‘modular’.
Creating the Modular Selection
We create multiple Mograph Selections using a procedural approach with Fields, this way the rig can be adapted in size and resolution with ease and still maintain the same selection, even if the Cloner count is changed.
Mograph Weight Tag
As well as using multiple Mograph Selections for defining which shapes we need to change, we also paint weights for the clones to determine which shape is displayed by the Cloner. The weight tag is used with Fields to control the effectors, offering absolute control over every generated clone.
This tutorial demonstrates just some of the possibilities when you combine Mograph, Effectors, Fields and Xpresso together.
Redshift Setup
We create two Redshift materials, a dark concrete where we explore the ramp node for controlling map strength and contrast.
Then we use the colour data from Mograph Fields and link this into a multi-colour painted wood material via RS User Data.

Twisted Loop
↓Building the rig
This setup starts by building a simple loop of some twisted type using MoText and SplineWrap Deformer.
We then take this and clone into various shapes, using Effectors and Fields for additional control. We look at ways to optimise these setups by reducing geometry and using multi-Instances where possible.
Redshift Setup
We create two iridescent style shaders, using Fresnel, Ramp and RS State nodes, together they offer a few solutions for faking thin-film and iridescent materials.
We then build a render environment to create a tunnel of these twisted loops for a complex and inspiring result.

↓Creating the type effect
Create distressed and eroding organic type with this technique using OpenVDB and Mograph.
Originally developed as part of a trailer for The Division Game, this method has been updated with the addition of Effectors and Fields.
Eroding and breaking up the type
These tools allow us to art direct the precise positioning and shape of each letter. We add random undulation and movement to the OpenVDB surface and then slowly erode parts of the word away.
Redshift Setup
Create a pale fleshy organic material using Redshift’s Multi-SSS. The surface literally crawls with detailed animated displacement using Maxon Noise shaders.
Note: If you are using a version earlier than Redshift 3, you will not have access to the Maxon Noise, but can still use the RS Noise for similar results.