Hand-crafted shaders fresh from the heart of Brooklyn. Fantastic for fluids, abstract motion graphics and VFX work. Utilising several exotic models of iridescence ranging from “physically correct” to “why would he do it that way” this shader pack has a bunch of neat magic tricks to dissect.
All shaders are laid out in a straight-forward way with in-network visual reference and nodes organised by colour.
YOU MAY : Use these shaders in commercial 3D or 2D computer graphics projects such as movies, animations, computer games and virtual reality experiences.
YOU MAY : Use the shaders in graphic designs for printed media and website designs.
YOU MAY NOT : Resell or redistribute the shaders (modified or unmodified) as a competing product. For example, bundled with material presets, geometry, project files, or other digital assets.
YOU MAY NOT : Use the shaders in projects or games under an Open Source license.
32 unique shaders
Gallery preset (.gal) & Houdini Asset (HDA)
Super easy to install – drop a folder into your User prefs
Shaders are 1:1 with the Cinema 4D version for easy back-and-forth previz
Use it as a template to create your own shader packs with a novel organisational approach
Compatible with all major versions of Redshift 2.5+ and Houdini 18